Thursday, 17 August 2023 22:31

Fr Gerard Dowling, 50 years on radio, Family Counsellor - Congratulations

Fr Gerard Dowling, 50 years on radio, Family Counsellor - Congratulations


We offer our congratulations to Gerard Dowling. On September 2nd he will have been on radio 3UZ (with its various names, now RSN) for 50 years, a record for any broadcaster.


View from the window of the Federation Room, St Patrick's Cathedral.  It was said that because Bourke St had such a fine view of the Cathedral, Parliament House was built to block it. But it can be views from the back windows!

Gerard, ordained in 1958, a priest of the archdiocese of Melbourne, for many years Dean of the Cathedral, has offered a sympathetic and wise ear to a range of people on Sunday evenings, who wanted to be heard, express their problems.


Wecomed by the Minister

A Golden Jubilee celebration was held at Parliament House, Melbourne, on August 17th, 75 guests, family, co-workers, friends – welcomed by Anthony Carbines, current Minister for Police, Crime Prevention and Minister for Racing, Gerard a friend of the family. Speeches by managers and comperes of RSN, and Phil Touzel, Gerard’s long time producer. And by Denis Pagan, player and coach of North Melbourne – Gerard wrote the history of the club.


Phil Touzel speaking

MSC Connections. Gerard lived in the cottage at the Family Care Sisters, Canterbury, while the main house was the Heart of Life Centre in the 1980s and 1990s. Peter Malone has been a regular contributor, especially for reviewing the year’s films for the Christmas night broadcast. Paul Castley is confessor at Justin Villa, Balwyn, for retired priests, where Gerard has lived in recent years.
